Verson Française 
“The Artistime exhibition provides a means to travel in time and space, mentally and philosophically, it is one of the most beautiful Digital exhibition I have seen.”
Nils Aziosmanoff – Director of the Cube, Center for Digital Creation, Paris.

Artisitime is an Art exhibition revolving around the notion of time.
The collection of unique living tableaux, lasting from 3 minutes to sometimes several hours, constitute an invitation to reflect on the forever changing aspect of our environment, a reflection about time and space.
Contrary to ordinary programming the films created do not provide a storyline.
The viewer is entranced by nature’s simple rhythm in time, an acquiescence to a peaceful place.

Projection of 3 films on the facade of the Abbey of Pontlevoy during the international Theatre Festival. 2013
Through Guided imagery and accompanied by ambient sounds of nature, original musical compositions, or pure silence, spectators are enticed to dream and reflect on their own thoughts.
This body of work is called ”Dreamscenes”.

The complete films, an expression of dynamic art, are an invitation to relax, to reflect, and discover a contemporary living tableaux.
The short trailer below lasts 3 minutes, and provides a preview of the “Artistime” project with a selection of the films.
Projecting images improves the aesthetic environment, encourages time travel, reduces anxiety levels and…entertains. Considered as “windows of tranquility”, a respite from today’s stressful society and much more, since the content and scope is vast and versatile.

The projected images can shape and inspire very diverses environments ie; provide large scale works of Art, build or forge an identity and occupy a myriad of spaces, private or public; ie: Galeries, Cultural Centers, Hospitals, Airports, Stages, Restaurants, Offices, Homes….
Dreamscenes can also contribute to the healing process; ie: hospitals, doctor’s offices, laboratories, as they create an environment conducive to relaxation and provides a positive distraction and a perspective on the world.
The films are presented and available in several formats : Plasma living Tableaux, wall projections, ceiling projections.
The complete movies are original works of Art produced in limited series.
“The interaction between Images and sounds is one of the fascinating experience of this exhibition. An artistic important dimension. We were astounded to see the impact of the films on the visitors of the museum over time. People would come back several times, bring their families, and would stand sometimes more than 10 minutes in front of a sunrise, or one of the transformed dreamscene’s.”
Jean Paul Caley – Curator of the Museum of Vendome, France.Bon Voyage !
Franco-American filmmaker
For more information please contact me.
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